Friday, March 30, 2007

Lent and Prayer

I'm a bad boy! I did not give anything up for Lent this year other than the no meat on Friday. Instead, I tried to focus on improving my prayer life. I am not a good at prayer. Here is a list of things that have helped me:

1) I went to Adoration twice and I think I will try to continue doing this even after lent is over. Our parish has all day adoration each Tuesday.

2) I went to the Stations of the Cross. I went twice and struggled though the first one because I really did not know what was going on and it seemed like something was missing. The second time I went it was much better. They actually read the scripture that went with each station. That was helpful to me for some reason.

3) Podcasts. I have recently found a couple podcasts that I am hoping are going to help me. I mentioned before that I started saying the Rosary. Well, I really fell off the wagon after a while and stopped. I am going to get back on the horse again thought. I found the Audio Rosary RSS feed at I am going to try to use them to help me get back on track.

4) I went to confession. I always put off going to confession and I am not sure why, because after I am done I feel so much better. It seems that a huge weight builds up on me when I put it off. That weight actually makes me unhappy.

Hopefully, I will be able to get myself back on track.

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