Thursday, March 19, 2009


Every time Lent rolls around I always pledge to myself that I am going to really focus on prayer and every year when Lent is over I realize that I did not focus on prayer. This year, however, I am praying more. I have found a short ten minute window between the time I am done getting dressed in the morning and when I wake the boys of for school where I can spend some quiet time with God. It has really been a calming experience for me. A time for me to offer God my fears and ask him for strength. I also as for prayers for the people in my life who need them.

I think what is helping me focus on prayer is the fact that I attended an Emmaus retreat shortly before Lent. It was a weekend retreat and it really helped me let go of a lot of the baggage in my life that was keeping me from praying. I also was able to spend time getting to know 20 other guys form our area and discovered that I a not alone. And you bet, those 20 guys are in my morning prayers every day.

This week I was also able to give thanks for an answered prayer because one of my friends from Schwan's who was laid off finally found a job. Prayers do work.

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