Eleven men from the Diocese of New Ulm were installed as Lectors today in Sleepy Eye. It is one step on the road to their ordination as Permanent Deacons. They were mentioned in an article in the Mankato Free Press I warn you though that the article does have a few factual errors in it. The article claims that Deacons are lay people who preform many of the same duties as priests. Deacons are ordained ministers they are not lay people. The article also says that they can anoint the sick. This is also false. The anointing of the sick MUST be done by a priest to be valid. The anointing imparts forgiveness of sins and a deacon cannot do that.
A Deacon can:
Officiate at weddings
Officiate at funerals
Distribute Holy Communion
Read the Gospel at Mass
Give a homily at Mass
A deacon Cannot:
Consecrate the Eucharist
Hear Confessions
Anoint the sick
In addition to this, there are two classifications of deacons. A permanent deacon and a transitional deacon. A permanent deacon may be married as long as he was married prior to his ordination. A permanent deacon agrees that in the sad event that his wife passes away, he will not marry again. A transitional deacon is a young man who is on his way to being ordained a priest. He may not be married. Both types of deacons are members of the clerical state and are no longer lay people.
For more information about the Diocese of New Ulm's Diaconate program please visit their web site.
The Prairie Catholic also has a good article in it as well.
Speaking of transitional deacons, Zack Peterson a member of our parish will be ordained as a deacon on November 7, 2009. He is on the road to becoming a priest. Please keep him and all of our seminarians, and permanent deacon candidates in your prayers.
St Maurus, and a Famous Miracle of St Benedict
4 hours ago
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