Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Music from the Mass of Ordination for Bishop LeVoir

I thought that I would mention the music that was used during the Ordination Mass for Bishop LeVoir on Sept 15, 2008.

Prelude Music:

Solemn Entry byRichard Strauss -- arr. by Gary Olson
Spirit of Mercy, Truth, and Love - Anonymous - edited by Richard Proulx
In Nomine Jesu - by Jacob Handl
Ave Verum Corpus by Mozart
Hymn of Consecration - by Marvin Curtis

Processional -- Entrata Festiva by Flor Peeters

Gathering Hymn -- O God Beyond All Praising Text: Michael Perry

Thanks Be to God by Cecilia Fox (This was sung after the people gave their assent to the apostolic letter.)

Kyrie by Richard Proulx

Gloria from the Mass of Creation by Marty Haugen

Liturgy of the Word

Psalm -- Psalm 31 Father Into Your Hands by Bob Hurd

Gospel Acclamation -- Festival Alleluia by James Chepponis

After the gospel we sang Veni Scanti Spiritus

O Santissima. Sung by Archbishop Nienstedt and his brother priests and bishops during the homily.

Rite of Odrination

Litany of the Saints

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparations of the Gifts - Let All On Earth

Holy Holy Holy from the Mass of Creation by Marty Haugen
Memorial Acclamation from the Mass of Creation by Marty Haugen
Great Amen from the Mass of Creation by Marty Haugen
Lamb of God - Litany for the Breaking of the Bread by John Sciavone

Communion Song - Amen El Cuerpo de Cristo by John Sciavone

Blessing of the People -- You are God: We Praise You (Te Deum laudamus)

Closing Hymn -- Holy God We Praise Thy Name

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